Heretical Demo Patch Notes 0.1.3d

Greetings Lost Souls!

After yesterday's release we wanted to post another quick update which addresses newly found issues in the build.

Here's a complete list of changes in version 0.1.3d:

Gameplay and QOL Changes:

  • Attack range stat issue fixed - Melee weapons now properly benefit from attack range increase.
  • Notches in enemies' HP bars now position themselves properly and evenly.
  • Fixed an issue that would place you next to the Prophet when starting a new run instead of back on the pedestal.
  • Fixed an issue with Camera getting stuck after opening the gate in Church of the Forlorn.
  • Fixed Capes and Flags not rendering in the game.
  • Improved how attacking behaves, giving you better control over attack patterns.
    Developer comment: we felt that a lot of weapons would continue to attack for too long when you release the attack button, or when you stop spamming it so we focused on improving that to give you better control of your character in combat.

As always be sure to join our Discord channel to stay up to date with our development and be able to give us feedback, suggest changes or report issues.