Greetings lost souls!
After two months of hard work, we're releasing our content updated called Celestial Weave!
With this updated we wanted to focus on balancing existing content while also adding more progression milestones such as new Prophecies and builds to try out.
One of the bigger changes is the complete rework of the Well of Stars and its Constellations. We felt this aspect could be greatly improved to allow you to specialize on more niche and specific builds.
Celestial Weave (v0.2.9.202501211257) Patch notes:
Privacy and Data:
- Added an option in the settings and in the eula screen to opt out from Analytics so you're not sending any anonymous data to help improve the game.
New Content:
- Well of Stars and Constellation rework:
- Instead of 3 big constellations, there are now 12 smaller constellations, each specializing in different things.
- You begin the game with the first 4 constellations already available to allocate to (Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Vitality), while the rest is locked behind prophecies. Check out prophecies to figure out how to unlock the new constellations.
- New skill: Frost Spikes (Cryomancer) - every 4th attack sends out a series of frost spikes in front of you, dealing physical and frost damage to enemies they hit.
- New Skill: Hunter's Mark (Pathfinder) - marks an enemy, reducing its defences and making it more prone to bleeding. Killing a marked enemy reduces the cooldown of the skill and grants bonus XP and Gold.
- New Unique: Whirlwind Edge - two handed axe which allows you to whirlwind and deal damage around you instead of attacking.
- New Unique: Executioner's Cowl - Unique Helmet - bleed and execute synergy.
- New Unique: Devourer's Skull - magic offhand - increases item quality and quantity, every time you discard a magic, rare, set or unique item, it gains power. When channeled, does area physical damage and reduces armor and resistances of nearby enemies.
- Added a few Training Dummies and a shortcut in the Sanctuary of the Forlorn once you cleanse the region.
- 14 new Prophecies
- Added new Jewelry: Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Vitality amulets. These drop in the same loot table as Claw Amulets, and can all become Curse Eater/Twisted Crow Effigy.
- Wildheart rework: Verdal no longer provides bonus on level 2, instead you begin with two canine companions - Fedy and Silva. Level 5 and up you get verdals as before. Your companions have a revive timer and run alongside you attacking enemies.
- Frozen Armor rework: Procs on both block and damage taken, shooting an ice spear at the attacker and grants small amount of barrier.
- Howling Ice rework: now shoots ice spears in a medium area, instead of firing frost novas.
- Soul Harvest rework: Every few secinds, Spectral scythe spins around you, dealing magic and decay damage and granting you some barrier.
- Death's Gamble: Renamed to Killer Instinct and moved from Trickster to Pathfinder skills.
- Stormcaller Blade rework: Grants +1 cyclone strike, +1 windfury and +1 windseeker skills. Gains increased lightning damage for each level of every windseeker skill you have.
- Heartseeker Bow rework: No longer has chaining projectiles. No longer provides bonuses to Elemental Damage. New unique ability: Whenever you land a critical hit with this bow, gain +5 attack damage and +10% critical strike damage with attacks against that target.
- Blocking no longer requires you to be frontally facing enemies. In other works, blocking now absorbs damage regardless of where it's coming from.
- Dashing grants you phasing, allowing you to dash through enemies to avoid getting stuck in corners or tight corridors. Also, while dashing, you no longer take damage from traps.
- Poise Damage no longer scales with critical strike damage. Instead, crits now deal up to 150% of the base poise damage.
- You can no longer attack targets through walls with AOE Skills and Melee Attacks. This might need some deeper testing.
- Starting Darkness Curse limit is 50 and Black Dawn, Grim Harvest and Black Gates now longer increase it. Instead, they each provide +item quantity, +item quality, +gold find / darkness level.
- Bleed Rework: Bleed now procs on any physical damage, and does 60% of damage dealt over 4 seconds as physical damage over time. This can be triggered by chance to bleed stat, and its damage can be improved by increased bleed damage.
Balance Changes:
- Enemies' darkness scaling per darkness rebalanced:
- Damage reduced from 25% to 10%.
- Hit points increased from 20% to 25%.
- Enemies can now be immune to certain status effects, for example:
- Decaying Hound - immune to Slow
- Wraith - immune to Bleed, Chilled
- Gargoyle - immune to Poison, Bleed, Burning
- And many more...
- Increased enemy variety in all areas.
- Alpha Rats regenerate Hit Points.
- Deprived's Heal cooldown reduced from 3 to 1.5 seconds.
- Elite Enemies now gain new stats and immunities.
- Executors' 3 hit combo range decreased from 8 to 4.
- Istwan's Storm Ascendant skill cooldown increased from 10 to 20 seconds.
- Self inflicted damage (such as Plague Carrier's immolate) no longer counts towards prophecy completion.
- Buffed one handed melee weapons: swords allow you to move faster and deal more damage, axes deal significantly more damage and maces are a bit more powerful.
- New item Affix: Chance to bleed
- New item Affix: Barrier on Kill
- New item Affix: Increased Gold Gain - increases amount of gold you gain.
- Many items have their stat scaling changed or reduced to make room for new content coming down the line.
- Shop Enchantment Affixes buffed - Increased Proc Chance, Poisonous Attacks, Heal per Level and Dash Cooldown.
- Twisted Crow Effigy bonus per kill reduced from 2% to 1% per kill.
- Curse Eater now lowers Darkness Curse limit instead of raising it.
- Hit Points Affixes on items increased so it's on pair with Vitality bonuses gained by items.
- Added bonus Intelligence to Gore Eye unique wand.
- Burning Blood now triggers even when you take pure barrier damage and not lose HP.
- Base Attributes grant less bonuses initially.
- Fall Damage penalty reduced
- Lost and Found Prophecy - Item Quantity bonus reduced from 25% to 10%.
- Frozen Armor, Procupine, Shield Bash, Retribution now count as Reflected damage.
Quality of Life:
- Added "freecam" console command which lets you detach from the character and move around freely.
- Affixes on items are now always shown with "+" or "-" in front of the value to have a standardized way of showing stats.
- New option in settings: Show enemy status effects - this will show enemy debuffs and buffs underneath their health bars.
- Magic and Rare items are no longer named with convoluted names, but rather just marked by color to increase readability and make localization easier.
- New sounds for Rat King's fight.
- Improved some 3D visuals and textures across the map.
- You can press LeftControl + F3 to toggle UI. This can be done via console command "togglehud" as well.
- Falling now reduces horizontal velocity rapidly, making it harder to fall to your death unintentionally.
- Added railing to the catwalk in Forsake Settlement to prevent accidental falling on an already narrow path.
- Shop now more clearly separates New Items from Item Enchants.
- Bonuses to XP gained are now properly taken into account when showing XP gained on kill.
- Enemy bonuses and player bonuses from darkness level now color coded for readability.
- Players are now invulnerable during Dialogues and Rituals.
- When you're offered a single item for an empty slot, you can click on the item itself to keep it.
- Moved some camera triggers' angles so it's easier to reach certain places on the map.
- Some level design changes to make traversal in certain areas easier and less buggy.
- Character descriptions for playable characters in Compendium and Main Menu are no longer segmented and locked behind number of runs.
- Changed visuals for Ketha's Cache to be easier to spot.
- Dialogue screen shows text faster and now scales vertically so that all text can fit inside of it.
- Prophet no longer spams dialogue lines when you've already talked to her.
- Death, Victory and Run History screens visually updated.
- Death and Victory screens now have damage detail tabs which show what weapon did the most damage as well as exact damage types done by skills/wepaons.
- Improved VFX for Unique Item drops.
Bug Fixes:
- Bug Fix: Fixed some hover texts overlapping each other in Character Screen inside Pause Menu.
- Bug Fix: Fixed scroll speed of various screens
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug which caused enemies to not drop loot and XP if frozen.
- Bug Fix: Fixed stats in character sheet not being visible on aspect ratios narrower than 16:9.
- Bug Fix: Blind now properly lasts 6 seconds (instead of forever).
- Bug Fix: Fixed rebinding issue which caused rebinding on gamepad to not work when pressing LB or RB ingame.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug which prevented you from increasing ruin in the run you unlock it in.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug which caused Gore Eye to show different damage than what it was dealing to enemies.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug which caused Tier 3 enemies to drop Tier 2 Crow's Amulets.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug which caused the game to resume while choosing rewards if you pressed ESC while looking at Stats. ESC now returns you to the rewards screen instead.
- Bug Fix: When skills are removed via shop, getting the same skill afterwards is reset back to level 1.
- Bug Fix: Fixed being able to use offhand relics while attacking.
- Bug Fix: Plagued Rat Horror's selection circle disappears when it dies.
Third Person Mode:
- Improved background and made some ceilings opaque.
- Pressing left control unlocks your mouse so you can hover skills.
- Improved character rotation to better follow where you're aiming at.
- Firing projectiles without having a target selected now aims the projectile at the point of the crosshair.
As always be sure to join our Discord channel to stay up to date with our development and be able to give us feedback, suggest changes, or report issues.